Saturday, October 17, 2015

Monitor Progress: How to Draw


How to Draw: Step by Step Drawing Lessons and Coloring Pages is an app for iOS and Andriod that allows users to practice and improve drawing skills. The app shows step by step instructions for drawing a variety of subjects including, cartoon characters, faces, and everyday objects. In addition to teaching drawing it allows users to color drawings and provides video instructions. The app is free on both platforms, but can be hard to use on a smartphone or without a stylus.

This app would be good for any students that are looking to improve on their drawing skills. Drawing skills are the foundation to most art media and even the most seasoned of artist practices drawing. It is important for students to learn and practice drawing if they are interested in furthering their art skills. This app allows users to keep track of their skills and improve on previous drawings, so it will show students how much they are improving, even if they do not see it at first.



  1. I like how you see value in the app because it lets students literally how much they have improved on a certain skill! As teachers, I know that we can say how much a student has improved an infinite number of times... however sometimes I think it takes students' ability to actually see that tangible progress has been made in order for them to believe it! I think this is a great app in this regard!

  2. Chris,
    This is a very interesting app allowing students to be creative and work on their art abilities. I agree with you, it is very important for students to practice drawing to further their art skills.

  3. This app sounds made up! What an incredible app for all of those children that deem themselves as not good artists and simply give up. This app allows students to practice drawing in a systematic organized way and gain basic artistic skills and confidence in themselves. Practice makes perfect, and this app makes it possible for students to increase their skills in a fun and easy way.

  4. I think this is an awesome app! I can't draw at all and this actually made me a little more excited because I felt like I could definitely improve. This can also motivate even the worst artists.
