Sunday, November 1, 2015

Supporting Instruction with Technology

I chose this lesson plan because I felt it incorporates visual art and technology well. For many forms of visual art technology is not a major element of the art making process, with the exception of research. This lesson plan focuses on displaying an example piece by Martin Puryear & features other artists who have done similar things in their art and uses technology to add to the lesson.

I did not find many gaps in this lesson plan. The major gap I found was that it could incorporate technology more. By using drafting software to sketch plans students would gain valuable experience with a useful technology. Today many companies and firms are looking for people with skills with drafting software and this would be a good way to let students wet their feet in the technology. Additionally making the students create a video presentation instead of a traditional presentation adds a multimedia element to the project and more possibilities for the use of technology.

I feel Mind Meister is a good technology and fairly easy to use after about five minutes of acquaintance. I am not sure though if I would use it in my classroom. As an artist I have found it is more important to make mistakes and learn from them than mapping out options and choosing the one that seems to make the most sense.

A Link to My Mind Map

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