Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Padlet Unit Plan

I chose to focus on sculpture because it is a medium that I have more recently begun using. Sculpture is very important for students to learn because it serves as a foundation to most three dimensional work. I know that as an art teacher I will need be able to teach other media than photography, my preferred medium.

I chose the main elements of sculpture for my unit goal and essential questions. These goals and questions apply to all sculptures and will help students when designing and developing sculptures in the future. The links and resources correspond specifically to large scale finished pieces, which my students would not be required to produce. Instead I would have them create 3D printed models and use them to pitch a large scale installation.

The technology I've integrated into this assignment include SketchUp, 3D printers, and WeVideo. Sketchup is a drafting and design software that can be used for something as small as a jar up to buildings and beyond. 3D printers have become more and more popular and cost effective in recent years and will be important technology for artists in the coming years. WeVideo is an online video software for integrating images and other elements with video to create complete presentations. All of these technologies are important to all artists, especially young ones to know and utilize.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Supporting Instruction with Technology

I chose this lesson plan because I felt it incorporates visual art and technology well. For many forms of visual art technology is not a major element of the art making process, with the exception of research. This lesson plan focuses on displaying an example piece by Martin Puryear & features other artists who have done similar things in their art and uses technology to add to the lesson.

I did not find many gaps in this lesson plan. The major gap I found was that it could incorporate technology more. By using drafting software to sketch plans students would gain valuable experience with a useful technology. Today many companies and firms are looking for people with skills with drafting software and this would be a good way to let students wet their feet in the technology. Additionally making the students create a video presentation instead of a traditional presentation adds a multimedia element to the project and more possibilities for the use of technology.

I feel Mind Meister is a good technology and fairly easy to use after about five minutes of acquaintance. I am not sure though if I would use it in my classroom. As an artist I have found it is more important to make mistakes and learn from them than mapping out options and choosing the one that seems to make the most sense.

A Link to My Mind Map